2007 m. lapkričio 30 d., penktadienis


Meditation is recognized as a component of eastern religions, where it has been practiced for over 5,000 years. Today meditation together with other traditions of eastern religions became very popular in the western world. Although many people say that they practice meditation, only few actually meditate the right way.

Meditation is a technique that should help the person to reach the altered state of mind. If done successfully a person would clear his mind from any thoughts and be ignorant to the outside perceptive stimulus. The purpose of meditation in various cultures varies. Some use meditation to carefully think about one thing at a time in absolute quietness, others think that meditation is helping them to interact with deities. The new age occult society treats meditation as one of the ways to reach gnosis the main ingredient in any magical ritual.

Though many theories have risen none were proved. If you really want to learn what meditation is all about, is it good or bad than try it!

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